
21 December 2021 -
20 March 2022

Northern Hemisphere: Winter Solstice to Spring Equinox

Southern Hemisphere: Summer Solstice to Fall Equinox

Program Description

Our blood remembers everything. In our blood, we carry our legacies of warriorship. In our continual resistance, our blood has drenched the lands and lifeways we defend. Our blood is embattled: it has been shed, quantified, indexed, and denied. Our veins hold our lineages of struggle and the defiant pulse of our continued, vibrant life. Our blood is bio-magnetic: charged with the same ferrous particles as our sacred stones and the sanguine ochres with which we adorn ourselves. The howling of our blood demands an audience. 

For the third season of K.o.W 2021, we honour the Blood of our mothers and our warriors. This season centres the work of artists, thinkers, community leaders, healers and activists addressing legacies of violence, trauma recovery, reparative praxis, transformative justice, and carceral abolition.